05 Aug When bigger isn’t better: security gates for small spaces
The best entrance control solutions don’t always come in large packages. If you’re pressed for space or need an unobtrusive speedgate or turnstile that blends into your surroundings, then an access control solution with a compact form factor is clear advantage.
The need for unobtrusive gates that fit neatly into any space is a key reason why the sleek and stylish EasyGate SG, EasyGate Elite and EasyGate Superb speedgates have become so popular at commercial office buildings and modern leisure centres.
These small but mighty entrance control options are some of the sleekest around. The SG and Elite can be set up with a trim 1,000 mm-long pedestal, giving them most compact footprint of any speedgate on the market, while the elegant pedestal used for the Superb is stunningly slim, at just 99 mm wide.
“The access gates at the entrance to your facility are one of the first things visitors see,” says Entrance Control General Manager Michael Bystram.
“Having a compact entrance gate that complements its surroundings, rather than dominating them, can go a long way towards creating a great first impression.”
A warm welcome at gyms and leisure centres
Leisure centres, gyms and health and fitness clubs are all settings where unobtrusive entrance control can be good for business. If members receive a warm welcome, a positive experience, and access to the facilities they need, you’re already halfway along the road to success.
At Riverton Leisureplex in Western Australia, gym and recreation centre users are greeted by EasyGate SG speedgates. The gates blend in perfectly with the centre’s modern aesthetic, providing one standard entry land alongside a wider wheelchair-accessible lane that complies with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act of Australia.
“In the leisure industry it’s particularly important to create a welcoming environment where facility users feel at home,” Mr Bystram says. “The EasyGate SG at Riverton Leisureplex provides all the security benefits of a premium speedgate without being intimidating or in your face.”
Style and function at corporate offices
Corporate office buildings are another setting where compact entrance control gates have proven popular, particularly the EasyGate Elite and EasyGate Superb.
These gates are found in the lobbies of corporate offices across Australia and New Zealand and their small form factor also makes them ideal for securing access to lifts or internal stairwells. This can be particularly valuable in multi-tenanted office buildings or in businesses where there would otherwise be ready access between an area frequented by visitors and a more secure floor area.
“One of the beauties of the EasyGate Elite and EasyGate Superb is their versatility. The compact nature of both allows them to be used in places where it wouldn’t otherwise be practical, without taking away from a building’s style or sense of freedom.”
The EasyGate Elite is particularly popular in corporate settings because it can be fitted with tall glass barriers, up to 1,800 mm high. Available in 1,000 mm-long pedestal or standard 1,400 mm-long pedestal variations, it can also be customised to fit a buildings aesthetic, as was the case during a recent install at the new Sixty Martin Place commercial tower in Sydney’s CBD. In that install custom EasyGate Elite gates were paired with EasyGate LiftCall, which integrates with a building’s destination lift control system to help guide people to the fastest lift to access their required floor.
Many premium office buildings opt for the EasyGate Superb. The Superb features the slimmest pedestal on the market at just 99 mm, providing an aesthetically pleasing and minimalist feel. Despite its svelte appearance, the Easygate Superb can still be coupled with a motorised visitor card collection and return functionality, glass barriers up to 1,800 mm tall, and advanced features such as intelligent light guidance and safety beams to prevent the barriers opening of closing on an obstruction.
“The EasyGate Superb is a premium option that looks great and features advanced technology. For architects designing high end office buildings, it’s bound to be near the top of their list when it comes to entrance control solutions,” Mr Bystram says.
Small but mighty
Modern speedgates, turnstiles and other access control solutions can vastly improve security without ruining a facility’s aesthetic or welcoming appearance. At corporate offices they can reduce the risk of security breaches and improve the safety of staff and visitors, which at leisure centres they can play a critical role in preventing unauthorised entry.
The compact nature of the EasyGate SG, EasyGate Elite and EasyGate Superb make them an unobtrusive, stylish and practical solution for any settings where space is it a premium or where it’s important for an access control solution to complement its surroundings.
For more information contact our team here or phone +61 (02) 9906 7522.